Covid-19 In-Store Standard Operating Procedures
- Why we have chosen to update our standard operating procedures
- How these updates will be implemented
- Changes we have made to the premises
- Taking an appointment
- Pre appointment
- Appointment introduction
- During the Appointment
- Post appointment
- Continuous improvement
Why have we chosen to update our store standard operating procedures
Cinderella’s Closet Bridal Boutique is updating our SOP’s to provide a method to communicate the process changes for all staff and customers in light of the Covid-19 crisis. It will require drastic changes to how we will function and carry out our business to ensure the health and safety of staff and customers. SOP will be updated each time new regulations and/or guideliness are released
How we will implement these changes
It is of upmost importance to our business that these changes will be implemented correctly. To ensure this before the store is re-opened, we will have a compulsory introduction and training. A copy of the updated SOPs will at all times be available to staff and customers on the business premises also for staff should they wish to possess a personal copy.
It is also displayed on our website and customers will be requested to read it before their appointment to assure customers and staff that appointments will run safely and in accordance to HSE guidelines. Each staff member will be required to sign the updated SOPs to acknowledge they have read, understand and agree to follow the updated SOPs.
Changes Cinderella’s Closet Bridal Boutique has made to the premises
The customer will now be greeted by a sanatising station on arrival – this will include complimentary hand sanitizer. The sanatising station will also include cloth face masks. We require all customers to wear a facemask or facial covering have sterile hands or gloves when in store. Clearly labelled bins will be provided.
We have re-arranged the lay out of the workspaces by separating seats to ensure the recommended social distancing parameters can be adhered to. A sink with warm running water, liquid hand soap and disposable hand towels is at all times available to staff. We are restricting non-essential access to the premises, placing notices and reminders to promote hand hygiene, social distancing and good personal etiquette when it comes to meeting, coughing or sneezing.
We have the ability to implement separate entry and exit pathways – as such all appointments are now staggered to prvent queuing at the door and clients are reminded in advance of their appointments not to arrive early for their booking.
Taking an appointment
The customer will be asked for their name, wedding date and phone number. This is at the customer’s discretion and GDPR regulations are at all times followed. The customer is then informed that if they wish to bring a family member or friend we now have a maximum of three persons per bridal party – including the bride. All attendees must be over 18. This is to ensure social distancing can be respected at all times and that all present understand the importance of hygiene and social distancing.
Pre appointment
All customers will be contacted the day before their scheduled appointment to confirm they will be attending their appointment. They will be advised if they themselves or any persons in their party suspect they have a temperature or feel unwell before or on the day of the appointment they should not attend and adhere to the HSE guidelines. They will also be asked to arrive on time and not early to avoid congregation in front of or on the business premises. Customers will be advised that to carry out the appointment they themselves, their party and staff will be required to wear a face mask or a facial cloth covering. They will also be required to sanitise hands and wear on entering the premises in order to carry out an appointment.
Appointment Introduction
After the initial greeting and use of the sanitising station the customer and party will be seated. We will explain how the appointment will progress to the customer and party. At this time, we will request HSE guidelines are respected at all times and a copy will be available should the customer require it. As previously stated the guidelines will also be displayed. We will also request the name and contact phone numbers of all attending the appointment should it be required by the HSE for contact tracing. This is at the customers discretion should the customers wish to continue with the appointment and GDPR regulations are at all times followed to protect the customer’s GDPR rights.
During the appointment
Recommended social distancing and HSE hygiene etiquette will be respected throughout the appointment. Our staff and all customers will be required to wear a disposable or cloth face mask or covering, freshly washed or sanitised hands.
We will adjust customer behaviour, customers will now be required to step into the dress as opposed to slipping over the head to minimise contact with the dress. Should a customer require assistance with a garment during an appointment we will request a member of the party assist however if this is not possible and a staff member is required to assist it will only be done so from behind the customer in the shortest time as possible.
Post appointment
We have revised procedures and allowed time between each appointment to include cleaning of door handles, chairs and any commonly used touchpoints. Our general cleaning schedule has been increased. We have also revised our cleaning products to ensure effectiveness.
A clearly labeled bins will be available to staff and customers at the end of each appointment for masks. These will be disposed of observing appropriate disposal protocol. Dresses tried on will be steam cleaned with a commercial 98C garment and fabric steamer. Bearing in mind that after the norovirus outbreak, the UK produced a guide on cleaning cruise ships to prevent infection, including cleaning carpets and upholstery using steam at a temperature of at least 70C.
Contact Tracing
All guests at Cinderella’s Closet will be required to provide us with their contact number and email address. This information will be kept on premises for 4 weeks should the HSE request it in relation to contact tracing. GDPR regulations will be followed during the retrieval and storage of this information. This is company policy.
Continued assessment and improvement
It is, and has always been, of the upmost importance to Cinderella’s Closet Bridal Boutique to ensure the health and safety of our staff and customers. We acknowledge that now in light of Covid-19 it is more then ever of the greatest importance we adhere to and follow all the guidelines set by the HSE. We will continuously assess our standard operating procedures and daily practices. We will then implement and update on a continuous basis based on reliable and state bodies advice.